Monday, September 25, 2017

No One Knows

Excerpt from The Way Called Beautiful' by Helen Bird 

"Long before the coming of our revised history stood a unique red man of great mystery.

He stands patiently waiting by your tipi entrance.

He knows every beat of our red peoples' hearts.

His hair is braided long with care. The color of his skin is deep copper.

He is the first red man uniquely apart.

I call him 'Wau-See-Turr', for no one really knows his name.

He was the first red man to walk upon this sacred land.

How this red man died??? No one will ever know!

Wau-See-Turr entered in to sacred spirit sky world.

A sacred place for 'nishnaubeh' (red person), that Our 'Kish-Shamm-Manitou' (Creator)
had planned.

Wau-See-Turr was all alone over there and he was lonely being the very first!

He spoke to Kish-Shamm-Manitou and Kish-Shamm-Manitou answered his request...

That for all time, to the last red person's spirit, Wau-See-Turr would enter and depart
from the sacred spirit place in the sky, to guide all his people's from down here to up there.

They have gone, never, ever to depart from up high.

Wau-See-Turr...You have heard our cries of misery and you have answered from that
place over there in eternity.


Your nishnaubeh path is deeply trodden by red man nations come from down here below.
You have answered our many calls of miseries, when we feared to be lost to some other eternity...

He stands waiting patiently by your tipi entrance, fanning Kish-Shamm-Manitou's
mighty spotted eagles' feathers.

His sacred song is final farewell to world down here, as you dance upon deeply trodden path, hand in hand together.

Over there, high upon the banks of eternity, Wau-See-Turr points to our beloved ancestors singing to us...




They are calling all of...Us!!!"

Within this great mystery, this man was given many ways how it would be...

With warriors, childrens' that belong to these warriors, the once was warriors…
Our most respected elders, they all feel this sacred vision of our Spirit Guide Sky Walker

He will be the very last to enter in to our place given to us by Kish-Shamm-Manitou.

That sacred place we call spirit sky world where our ancestors call to us always.

Book/ebook available on thewaycalledbeautiful by Helen Bird

                                              PENCIL DRAWING BY ZAWANQUIT


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