Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Continued excerpt from 'The Way Called Beautiful' by Helen Bird


The man watched as they brought the sleeping warrior and then he disappeared.

He walked away, vanished just as quickly as he had appeared to the people...
It was a young red woman who ran after that man, only to return badly frightened as she pointed to over there upon Mother our beautiful earth's sacred and powerful white shawl...
The walking mans' tracks had become hoof prints, much as those of our four legged relatives, the deer...

This is a true happening that took place during the occupation of Wounded Knee, as the white man had chased the warrior deep in to a blizzard, deep in to the inescapable ravines of the Badlands...

The warrior returned home one year later with lungs infected from pneumonia and medicine men drew fluids from his chest ceremoniously with the eagle bone...

The young warrior knew life had come to him under that snow laden cedar tree...

In a dream a deer came to him, stood watching him and in his own tongue he beseeched the help from our four legged relative...
It was granted.

Today, he walks proudly in the knowledge that his ancestors' ways are true, and yet…

He is saddened that so many children are lost to these sacred ways.
The federal agents never recovered that young warriors sacred lodge and

...Yes, they still chase him....

                                                          Illustration by Zawanquit
BOOK/EBOOK NOW AVAILABLE ON amazon.com thewaycalledbeautiful by Helen Bird

#thewaycalledbeautiful #NativeAmericanLiterature #helenbirdart 

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